Break-even point

15 12月 2023


Break-even point, as the name implies, is the point at which your profits and losses are balanced.

Understanding the break-even point is crucial in investment and business as it helps you assess risk and return, enabling you to make more informed decisions.

The break-even point typically refers to a situation in an investment or business activity where the income equals the costs, resulting in neither profits nor losses. It means you are not making money, but you are not losing either, maintaining a break-even state.

For example, suppose you run a small restaurant and need to calculate how many meals you need to sell each day to reach the break-even point.

If each meal is priced at $10 and costs $5 to make, then your break-even point would be selling 10 meals per day. (Total revenue of $100, total cost of $50 = net profit of $50). If you sell more than 10 meals, you will make a profit; if you sell fewer, you will incur losses.

The concept of break-even point is also commonly applied in investments:

Let's consider an example:

Jack purchases stocks of a company at a cost of $10 per share, buying 100 shares, resulting in a total investment of $1000. Now, Jack wants to know at what stock price his investment will reach the break-even point.

First, we need to know the formula for profit or loss in stocks: Profit/Loss = (Current Stock Price - Cost Price) × Number of Shares Held

Assuming the current stock price of the company is $12, we plug in the values into the profit/loss formula: Profit/Loss = (12 - 10) × 100 = $200

Jack's current investment is yielding a profit of $200. Now, let's calculate the break-even point.

The break-even point in stocks refers to the stock price at which the investor's profit or loss is zero, meaning no profit and no loss.

Let's represent the break-even point with X as the stock price, and we plug it into the profit/loss formula:

0 = (X - 10) × 100

Solving the equation gives us:

X = $10

So, when the stock price of the company reaches $10, Jack's investment profit or loss will be zero, and that is the break-even point.

At this price point, the investor neither makes a profit nor incurs a loss. If the stock price is higher than the break-even point, the investor will make a profit, and if it is lower, the investor will incur a loss.

The break-even point is also prevalent in options trading, for example:

For holders of Call Options, the break-even point is when the underlying asset's price exceeds the option's strike price plus the option's purchase price, at which point you start making a profit. If the underlying asset's price is below this break-even point, you will incur a loss equal to the cost of purchasing the option.

For holders of Put Options, the break-even point is when the underlying asset's price is below the option's strike price minus the option's purchase price, at which point you start making a profit. If the underlying asset's price is above this break-even point, you will incur a loss equal to the cost of purchasing the option.

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Overall, the break-even point is one of the key indicators to pay attention to in investment and business.

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